Friday, October 8, 2010

Island Santa

Island Santa - 10" x  8"  Acrylic -by Greg Newbold

The Illustration Friday theme this week is "Transportation". Contrary to popular belief, Santa doesn't always travel by reindeer borne air taxi. When in the islands, he has been known to deliver presents via outrigger canoe. I have been fortunate enough to spend Christmas in Hawaii twice with my family and both times it was absolute heaven. I thought I would miss the trappings of our traditional Christmas celebration back home but I have to say I did not miss it at all. There was something magical about snorkeling on Christmas morning and I found myself supremely relaxed. And you know what? The snow and cold was still there when we got home (ughh). This piece was done as a Christmas card for a client a couple of years back.


Tell me what you think! I appreciate your comments.