Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Cyrano de Bergerac - mixed media, 10" x 13"

With a New Year comes new possibilities and new goals. I think the tired old tradition of making resolutions, of which most will be broken or forgotten by Valentine's Day should be tossed aside. Someone I admire greatly once said "just do the best you can". With that in mind, I think I will simply choose to work hard at doing better. I'll be better at recognizing my blessings, work out harder, love my spouse more, spend better quality time with my family,  reach deeper to make my paintings better, explain concepts to my students in a more meaningful way, and be more satisfied with where I am in my journey. I figure working to simply be "better" than the year before will keep me on the right path to happiness. I wish you all much joy and prosperity in the coming year and may we all be a little bit better.


  1. Truly amazing, inspiring work. Happy New year to you!

  2. Beautiful work! You've done old Cyrano proud!

  3. Awesome work! And I agree with your pledge to just try to do better - very realistic and do-able.

  4. who is the someone "you greatly admire"?

  5. Great illustration.

    Very nicely put. Good luck.

    Happy New Year.

  6. Holy Cow!! That detail is amazing! Your work is so inspiring Greg! Thanks for sharing and for encouraging! You ROCK! Happy New Year!

  7. Great imagery and wonderful post. Happy New Year!

  8. That sounds good to me! Great illustration--wonderful character!

  9. Wonderful thoughts for the New Year! Absolutely beautiful use of color and wonderful character! Well done! :D Happy New Year :D

  10. Thanks everyone and I wish you all the best this year- Thank you all for contributing your thoughts to this blog. I think it's about all of us reaching for a more satisfying peak in work and life.

  11. Beautiful and I love the colors. Best of luck with your resolution. The world would be better off if we all followed the same goals!

  12. Hear hear! Terrific illustration and post, Greg. Happy New Year. :)

  13. terrific character and wonderfully executed!

  14. amazing and nice!!! love your art work! with the bright colors and ideas!


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