Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Feel Miserable as an Artist

I was surfing online and found the following list which rings true to me in so many ways. It is part of an Artist's Survival Kit created by Keri Smith. If you or an artist you know is having a rough go at the moment, have a look at this and feel better. Sometimes all it takes is a little objective evaluation of the life and career you have chosen to realize that you really have it pretty good. I especially liked the exercise given in the kit about how to quit your job as an artist. The process involves getting a newspaper, looking at the classified ads, circling all the occupations in which you are a) qualified and b) would feel fulfilled by doing, then circle all of these. I suspect that there are not very many if any of those types of jobs out there for me, so I just pull up my boot straps and get back to the easel. Enjoy what you do and count every day that you get to paint/draw/design instead of figuratively flipping burgers as a blessing. Besides, most of us are unqualified to do anything else, right?


  1. This was a great preface to tonight's painting session. Thanks for posting!

  2. These are great reminders, Greg. Going to print them out to read every day. May I reblog via a link to your blog?


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