Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Agent Announcement

After a comprehensive search, I am pleased to announce that I have accepted an offer of representation from Jennifer De Chiara of the Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency. Jennifer will represent my self authored picture book projects to publishers. Since this is a niche I have not yet been able to exploit (having my own picture books published) I am very excited to venture in this direction. Over that last few years as publishing houses consolidated and the imprints became less open to unsolicited manuscripts, it became apparent to me that I needed a literary agent if I was ever to have a hope of getting into the big publishing houses. This opens new doors for me as far as children's books go, but I will continue to represent myself in all other illustration markets outside of picture books as well as in the gallery and fine art markets. The first book that Jennifer will be sending out to publishers will be Scuffy- A Scarecrow's Tale. Long time readers will recall previous posts about this project since I have been working on it on and off for several years. I am excited to finally be getting it in front of publishers and look forward to finding a home for Scuffy. I will keep you updated on any exciting developments as they come along. Hopefully the book will sell quickly an I will be finishing up the paintings for this book in the near future.


  1. Congrats, Greg! I'd love to talk to you sometime about your experience in finding your literary agent and your experiences with that. Good luck with your book!

  2. Shawna, give me a call sometime. I'll tell you what I did. I think I got a little lucky finding someone who was excited, but happy to share. Now I just hope we can sell the book.


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