Monday, January 11, 2016

At Night In Tribeca

"One belongs to New York instantly.
One belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years." 
-Tom Wolfe
Anyone who has been to New York knows that evening can be a vibrant and fun time to hit the town. I'm pleased to have my work add to the enjoyment of a night out in the Big Apple, so here's a little show and tell. I couldn't resist sharing this shot of the window mural I did for the Tribeca Barnes & Noble store all lit up for the evening. If you get a chance to drop by the store, check out my contribution to the New York City scene!

Read all about the Tribeca mural project here


  1. That's so cool!

    I just discovered that you're my cover artist for Delivering the Truth (and book two - yay!) and I wanted to tell you how much I love it. You captured the essence of the setting and the protagonist, which is huge. Thank you.

  2. That looks so fantastic! Congrats. Love the actual picture. World of difference compared to what was there before (btw your link is for your last post, not )

  3. Thanks Edith. I am glad you liked the cover art and I really enjoyed that project. (in case others are interested, the cover was featured in this post:
    Glad to hear there will be another on too!

  4. Thanks Mike! Always fun to see the work hit real life application. Oh and thanks for the heads up- link is now fixed.


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