Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Juliet- by Greg Newbold, Acrylic; 8" x 8"

I am not sure that Romeo and Juliet is the best example of love on a day like today, especially given that  these teenage lovers knew one another for a grand total of four days before they both DIED.  Like it or not, there is no arguing that the story has resonated and endured through the centuries.
It is a common misconception that Shakespeare created the plot as well  as the characters in his tragic tale of star crossed lovers, but this would be far from the truth. Read a great account of the history of the Romeo and Juliet myth as well as the many incarnations and adaptations of the most famous love story in history at Artwife Needs a Life.
I painted this version of Juliet as part of a season series I did for the Utah Opera several years ago. It appeared in all their advertising as well as on the posters and program covers


  1. I still like this one the best of that opera series. Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. oh wow this is beautiful! love the colours!


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