Friday, March 2, 2012

Thank You Dr. Seuss

Pink Dog Fish- 4" x 6" digital by Greg Newbold.

I'm not sure what the intention of putting the bite collar on this poor Dog Fish was since there is no obvious injury and he probably can't bend around far enough to bite himself anyway. But the result was that he pretty much just looks like a dork. A Pink Dork Fish. In case you have not noticed, I have a strange thing for goofy fish. They seem to creep into my drawings and paintings on a regular basis. After some thought, I believe I have deciphered the source- Dr. Seuss who would have turned 108 today.

As a youngster, I would draw pictures all the time and among my favorite books to draw from were Dr. Seuss books, particularly, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish and McElligot's Pool. I remember drawing them for hours on end along with my older brother. He was really pretty good, but put drawing aside when he discovered basketball.

I on the other hand kept doing art and I eventually ended up where I am today. Seuss' work is as relevant and entertaining today as it was when I first copied old and new fish from its pages. I'm not sure if every Theodore Seuss Geisel's 44 titles are still in print, but I suspect they are. So of all the early influences on this budding artist, Dr. Seuss endures in my memory. Thank you Dr Seuss and happy birthday!

Check out entertaining wisdom of Dr. Seuss at Artwife Needs A Life


  1. Fish are cool because they come in so many shapes and colors. And of course imaginary fish even more so. Your goofy dorky dog fish is very cute. I hope he has friends because he looks a little sad. The water is neat.

    My favorite Seuss were "Happy Birthday to Me" and "The Sleep Book", though I never drew from them. I was probably in my everything-dogs-and-horses phase.

  2. Love this! Great illustration, and, of course, a tribute to Dr. Seuss! I did one too, so I have to tell you to check it out :)

  3. Thanks Cindy and crazylady! Gotta love Seuss. I love playing around with fish shapes, no surprise that Seuss did as well.

  4. well who wouldn't love this little pink Dork Fish! Great illustration. Fun!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. One fish two fish, I like you fish!
    (I know, Dr. Seuss it is not). Anyway, love the fish paintings and Dr. Seuss. Nice job.

  7. Love pink dork fish!! He looks so depressed over his collar & dorkiness! Great expression!!


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