Thursday, June 14, 2012

In Maynard Dixon's Footsteps - Part 2

Last week I showed my photo of the fields of Toquerville, UT compared to a painting done by Maryard Dixon in 1933. After I realized that we had stopped at the same vista, I started wondering if there were other spots we had seen or painted on our trip that had also been painted by Dixon.

Subsequently, my friend Dave Meikle who went on the trip with me sent me the above painting. It is exactly the same vista that we chose for our first painting of the trip, but in the afternoon and without all the Dixon drama.

I hesitate to even show the painting I did it since I think it is pretty much a dismal failure as it is. I do think I can use it as an under painting and pull it out of the weeds, but it was pretty disappointing way to start the trip. The pieces did get better after that first one, so all was not lost.

Every time you pick up a brush outdoors, you want to do a good picture since it is always a one shot deal to paint plein air. The truth is that it doesn't always work out. Once I learned that, it was a lot easier to swallow a  "bonk" like this one. Looking at Dixon's interpretation, I am humbled, but determined to make the next one better.


  1. How awesome is that? Great find Greg! Puts a lot of meaning into the painting experience.

    1. Cool and humbling at the same time. Your Zion paintings are looking great, keep up the awesome work!


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