Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Demo At Williams FIne Art

Painting live at Williams Fine Art - Greg Newbold
Last Saturday evening the annual summer BBQ was held at Williams Fine Art. The gallery asked a few of the artists it represents to come and paint live for the patrons. Food was deliciously catered by The Red Iguana and after I had a nice plate of shrimp fajitas. I spent a couple of hours painting and talking with the patrons that wandered by my easel. I tried to treat it as much like painting en plein air as I could even though I was working from a photo.

Many visitors to the gallery commented on my photo. I had to admit that the photo is a montage of elements from at least three photos from the same location pieced together. I rarely work from a straight up photo, preferring instead to move , scale and adjust elements in Photoshop to arrive at a composition that I like.  It was fun to paint in front of a live albeit ever shifting audience. I had been itching to paint some more cows, so it was fun to get a good start on this one. I'll probably put in a couple more hours before I call it finished.


  1. You have my heart felt admiration for your willingness to publicly demo. I still struggle with sketching in public. Wonderful landscape, Greg.

  2. Thanks Kim. Always a bit nerve wracking, but after a few years in the classroom and several plein air festivals, I have gotten used to painting with an audience. I just try to remember that most of the people looking couldn't do it if they tried and those that can know how hard it is.

  3. Very nice piece. If you do a demo on a weekday I'd love to attend. Keep me posted.

  4. Brad, nothing planned specifically, but Richard Hull and I want to go out plein air painting soon. You should come with us.


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