Saturday, September 15, 2012

Change in the Weather

Well, if it seems like it has been a while since I posted anything, you would be correct. It is not for lack of interest or work. Believe me, I have been plenty busy, just not with the kinds of things one wants to be engaged in. A couple of months back, my wife and I got the news nobody wants and we have been waging a battle with cancer ever since. Amy gives her perspective on what we have been going through on her blog here. Needless to say, there has been a radical shift in perspective as I focus on the things that are most important right now which does not necessarily including regular posts on my blog. After countless doctor visits, tests and a couple of surgeries, things are settling into a routine that seems more manageable so I expect that blog posts will get back to normal in the near future. Amy is doing well and we are hopeful for a complete recovery. We feel blessed and are grateful for excellent medical care, the love and prayers of good family and friends and most of all for the blessings and mercy of a gracious Father in heaven. We feel the prayers of all those who have sent them heavenward in our behalf and I look forward to more regular blogging moving forward. This piece was painted in Photoshop for the upcoming December 2012 issue of The Friend magazine


  1. I know that battle is scary. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008, and things have finally calmed down for us too. Best wishes and healing energy to you and your wife. Stay positive.

    1. Thanks Sarah,
      We truly do feel all the love and support from everyone.

  2. Sorry to hear that, Greg. I wondered why we hadn't seen any regular posts. I pray for the best for you and especially your good wife. Life sure throws us some difficult curves sometimes. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. May the Lord bless your wife and family.

    1. Wasn't for lack of desire. I simply could not muster the energy to dedicate to the blog. Getting better though. We will get through this one. I appreciate the prayers.

  3. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry to hear this news! I will keep your family in my prayers. I love the girl in this picture! This is such a great piece! And I saw your plein air paintings in the faculty show! They are fantastic! Anyways, my heart goes out to you and your wife and family!

    1. Thanks Suzanne,
      This is the main reason I am not teaching this semester-to much time away from the family. This piece will be in the December Friend magazine.

  4. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. May your wife enjoy a complete recovery. Best wishes to you and your wife during this time. Also, congratulations on the awards from Communication Arts! Well deserved.

    1. Thanks Leslie,
      Things are going good so far, we are very encouraged but its a long road ahead. Things will look better a year from now.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So sorry to hear this Greg. I wish you and Amy the best and certainly hope for cancer-free results after all the treatments.
    This painting radiates hope in facing the changes we face. Great piece.

    All the best to your family, Greg.

  7. Kim,
    I am glad you feel the same about this piece. It is meant to convey that quiet peace amid life's turmoil that the Lord can provide. I appreciate everyone's support.

  8. Prayers to you and your family and lots and lots of positive energy. There is nothing more important than family and faith in this world. I love the artwork! Beautiful, peaceful fall piece.

  9. Greg,
    I was so sorry to hear the news of the cancer. My wife went through it and thankfully has been fine for 5 years now. My prayers are with you and your wife and family and hope you have the positive results we have.


  10. Thanks Scott- we are hopeful for the same good results.


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