Monday, February 4, 2013

Illustration 55 Opening By Proxy

Grasshopper Hunter - nicely placed! Thanks Scott Anderson
Friday Night was the opening of the Society of Illustrators show, Illustrators 55- Part Two. The show is too large (or the building not large enough) to house the entire show at once so they split the advertising and editorial from the book and institutional categories. My Grasshopper Hunter for Boys' Life magazine was accepted into  he show. Alas, as in past years, it was not realistic to make the road trip to New York, so I was happily surprised to get a few shouts out (and photos) from friends who were there.
Thanks to Dale Stephanos for this shot of my piece on the wall
I was also stoked to see the prominent center placement of my piece on the right hand wall of the main museum gallery. Thanks to my friends Dale Stephanos, Scott Anderson and Jodie Hein for the shouts out from the opening that night. You guys rock! Hopefully I will make it there next time.


  1. Congratulations, Greg. Do you recommend sending your work to these shows? Is it worth the expense?

  2. Kim, See my answer in my most recent post.


Tell me what you think! I appreciate your comments.