Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Beckoning the Peace of Wild Things" Acquired By SMA

Beckoning the Peace of Wild Things -  by Greg Newbold
oil on canvas 30" x 18" - 2013
Permanent Collection. Those two lovely words now apply to my painting "Beckoning the Peace of Wild Things" which has been purchased through a donor for the Springville Museum of Art. The painting had previously been accepted into the 89th Annual Springville Spring Salon and was then recently selected to become part of the museum's permanent collection. The donor family felt that of all the pieces in the show, my painting best represented the values of hard work and the heritage of agriculture that the region was known for.

face detail
I am jumping the gun a bit by announcing this on my blog since the formal museum announcement has not yet been made, but I have received a check, so I figure why not toot my horn a little. At some future date there will be a press release and a photo op, but I am so excited, I wanted to share the news. This is the first museum to purchase one of my pieces for their permanent collection, but I hope it is only the first of many. More news will be forthcoming soon, but I am understandably tickled with this news. If you are in the area, the Spring Salon runs until July 7th, 2013.

PRINTS ARE AVAILABLE! Contact me through the email or phone number listed on the blog sidebar for pricing.

See previous post about this painting here


  1. Thanks Suzy! I am pretty excited about it.

  2. Congratulations! You deserve the recognition.

  3. That's great! May it inspire many to read the wonderful writings of Mr. Berry. Bravo!


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