Monday, August 12, 2013

Daylight's Last Breath

Daylight's Last Breath - Mt. Olympus; 24" x 20" oil on canvas by Greg Newbold
I just finished this painting of Mount Olympus that I started a couple of months back. It's always a breath of fresh air to have this same view out my front door, but until now, I had never painted it. It was so much fun painting the slopes and crevices of this mountain face, that I have another view of this slope in the planning. Rest assured that it will find it's way onto the blog as it happens. This painting will be showing at the grand opening of the new Alderwood Fine Art gallery space (Formerly Williams Fine Art) this weekend on Friday evening during the gallery stroll. If you get a chance to check it out, I have been informed that there will be substantial munchies provided. The gallery is now located at 641 East, South Temple St. in Salt Lake City. There is free parking and an entrance in the back if you enter off of H street.


  1. Nice painting. This mountain has so many moods...I think you have done a nice job of capturing one of them.

  2. Thanks Amy- I am looking forward to exploring some of the mountain's other moods as well.


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