Monday, September 9, 2013

New Van Gogh Painting Unveiled

Sunset at Montmajour-  by Vincent Van Gogh- circa 1888
For the first time in decades, a previously unknown work by Vincent Van Gogh has been authenticated. As a painter and fan fan of Vincent's work, I am excited to know that there are yet surprises that the Dutch master can reveal. In  a press conference at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam today, the painting was revealed.

Artwife Needs a Life has done a more extensive post about the work and how it went from authentic, to a fake and back again in the last century. Check out the post here.

I have my very own Van Gogh. Check it out here.


  1. So exciting that this beautiful painting has been authenticated! I have gained a real appreciation for Van Gogh. Thanks for sharing the video clip.

  2. I would love to see it in person! The Van Gogh pieces I have seen have been amazing.


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