Friday, September 17, 2010

Pig Free Fall

Written by Beth Terrill- Pictures by Greg Newbold - 19" x 13", Acrylic

Plummeting toward the snow covered ground at breakneck speed, our poor piggy friend really has no time to execute the graceful acrobatic maneuvers I am sure he is capable of, but that's not the point. This picture was all about capturing the panic of a free fall while at the same time making the pig character lovable. I hope everyone who looks at this one laughs first and then says "oh no, poor piggie!". Like yesterday's post his picture also comes from "The Barnyard Night Before Christmas". It is a delightful Christmas story for young and old alike. Have a closer look here.


  1. What a dynamic piece! I love this.

  2. Great piece! Poor piggie indeed! Wonderful action and expression. Love your color too!

  3. This is fantastic. You have a very magical style!

  4. Thanks for the nice response everyone!

  5. Nice perspective, and I love all of the details!

  6. Hehehe Hahaha.... Oh noi poor piggie! This is so great I could just squeal with delight! Nice one Greg!

  7. that's great, the pigs expression is priceless, love the movement and energy too

  8. Your work is great! Wonderful draftsmanship :)

  9. Nice illo! Love the expression on the pigs face.


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