Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sheep Chase

Sheep Chase - 13" x 16" Acrylic

This picture comes from my book The Barnyard Night Before Christmas, here again demonstrating how things that you know and love can filter into your art and add authenticity to your work. As I mentioned yesterday, I grew up in a fairly rural setting and we had opportunities to care for animals including sheep and chickens. I think this familiarity helped me when depicting the characters in this book.This painting was one of a series of five from the book that were selected to appear in the prestigious Communication Arts Illustration Annual 49. This book as well as my other books can be purchased right here.


  1. Beautifully done! Congratulations, well-deserved!

  2. Hey Greg! Great angle and terrific work. I can tell that you are an experienced rural farmhand as well as a terrific artist! NICE!!

  3. Thanks everyone. This book "The Barnyard Night Before Christmas" that this piece is from was a lot of fun to work on and I think turned out nice. It's a fun story- you should check it out.

  4. I love the glowing light in this painting!


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